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Trump calls CNN fake news

I think the 24 hour news channels talk first and check their facts a distant 4th. Second, they listen to themselves, and third they pat themselves on their own backs.

They have to fill 24 hours, and on a slow day there isn't much of worth to say, unless they talk about substantive stuff, like the growth of the national debt, and how China has us over a barrel if they stop rolling over their T-bills at the daily debt auctions. So they spew and repeat anything that comes along that sounds good to them.

About 90% of "journalists" as they call themselves are Democrats, and generally far left leaning ones. The big three networks are all majority-owned by massive donors of the Democratic party, along with the nation's most "prestigious" newspapers (according to themselves). They hire out of the left wing ivy league. And, who wants people on staff who will burst their balloons with inconvenient facts, reason, and logic? It would make people too uncomfortable around the office if people were regularly shown up for the over-educated parrots most of them are.

So it should come as no surprise that standards in political coverage keep falling, it is a race to the bottom as they all seek to outdo their peers in pillorying their opponents. It is no longer about good governance. The government is so big nobody can personalize it and relate to it any more. So it has devolved to a sporting event, like a Packers-Bears game. All that matters any more is your team winning.
ABC is owned by Disney, which is run by Robert Iger, who is reportedly considering running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020, to run against Trump.
CBS and its parent Viacom are controlled by Sumner Redstone, who owns a large majority of the class A voting stock. Redstone is a loooongtime supporter and donor of the Democratic party. He's now 94 or 95, suffers from dementia (he finally gave up day to day control of viacom after a court competency hearing), and lives in Beverly Hills with his girlfriend.

His shares are all locked up in irrevocable trusts for his grandchildren.
NBC (and CNBC and MindlesS NBC) are wholly-owned by Comcast, which is controlled by Brian Roberts. Roberts is a golfing buddy of Barrack Obama, and a huge Democratic Party donor. Need I say more?
Well, it is clear the Democrats colluded, to produce that dossier.

Trump should appoint about a half dozen special counsels, on different things. By the time they get done turning Washington upside down, congress will have to get off its ass and fix the law, to force the SC to remain narrowly focused on what it is assigned to investigate. If it comes across something else, it should refer the matter to other investigative entities.


Staff member
If they honestly start investigating people in the government, I can only imagine all the crimes that would come to light.
Most of these people go down for one of three things, lying to the FBI, obsstruction of justice, or campaign finance stuff. Nobody takes bribery or treason seriously.
Well there has been a lot of that going on
Yeah, they're politicians, 3rd place on the scum of the earth rankings.

1. Child molesters
2. Rapists
3. Politicians
4. Lawyers
5. Professional radical activists
6. Radical left wing professors
7. Biased "journalists"
8. Dirty cops

Some of the order is a little fuzzy. High end bank executives, government workers who take bribes, human traffikers, drug importers and dealers, snake oil peddlers, deadbeat dads.

Finally we get to murderers, thieves, vandals.