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Jessica Alba vs Kendall Jenner

Jessica Alba for sure. To me Jessica Alba has always been extremely beautiful even though some people say that she has deteriorated over the past couple of years. I absolutely do not agree to this point of view however.


This is a tough battle for me since I love both these brunettes, but I think Jessica Alba is way hotter than Kendall Jenner. And Jessica is also very adorable, and has great personality.


New Member
Are you joking? I mean Jessica Alba is way ahead of Kendall Jenner. Moreover, Jessica Alba has retained her figure and beauty even after giving birth. I think Jessica Alba is also prettier on the inside and she has done a ton of philanthropic work that is both commendable and worth mentioning. Kendall Jenner is Pretty, but when it comes to cuteness. Jessica Alba is a mile ahead of any other actresses. I love her.


New Member
Kendall Jenner is beautiful and a good model, but I think I'm going to choose Jessica Alba. It might be because I like more of her work or that she's been around longer, but I do think that Jessica Alba is more attractive than Kendall Jenner. Besides, Jessica Alba doesn't have an infamous family to mess with her image. Nevertheless, all the personal stuff aside, I do think Jessica Alba is hotter.


Bam! Jessica Alba is effortlessly looking hot in this simple dress ready to rock any event. I think she got my vote on this battle. Kendall is looking great and toned with that beautiful yellow dress.
Kendall is one of those women who looks pretty even just at the first glance. But Jessica Alba is quite stunning, the more you look at her, the prettier she gets. She has managed to become one of the sexiest women in the world. And even after being a mom, she's still hot as can be. I also love her advocacy on being more environment friendly. I think she has her own line of baby essentials. And so, she is more than just a pretty face, she has a vision and she had made it happen, apart from being a successful actress.


I'm not saying that Kendall Jenner isn't pretty, but I'm a big fan of Jessica Alba, well, her looks anyway, so for me this one's a bit of a no contest really.

Against another then Kendall would have had a chance, but in this one Jessica is too hot for her to compete against. Then again, like I said I'm a bit biased and MOST females would find Jessica Alba hard to compete against!


Active Member
Jessica Albany all the way. I don't believe that Kendall even competes with Jessica. She is just not at her level of beauty and class.


For me it's easy Jessica Alba, she is so hot. Kendall isn't bad looking but Jessica has that extra little something.