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Recent content by DiamondDave

  1. DiamondDave

    Best Stand Up Comic

    I always liked the late George Carlin. His comedic style was very unique and different from anything else out there. I also think the late Rodney Dangerfield and Andrew Dice Clay were/are talented. Of course, the last ones were less intellectual than Carlin, and last two had the same comedic...
  2. DiamondDave

    What TV Series do you watch?

    I liked Spartacus. Of course, it has no new episodes. The few episodes I saw of Breaking Bad also seemed interesting. However, nothing compares to Spartacus. Actually though, Di Vincis Demons, another Starz series like Spartacus, wasn't that bad.
  3. DiamondDave

    Most Beautiful Victoria's Secret Angels/Model

    I like Yumi Lambert and give her a 10/10. Too bad chicks at my school don't dress like that on those chilly winter days! Is she Eurasian? She seems to have a Japanese look to her.
  4. DiamondDave

    Diamond David Lee Roth in the house &&@@

    Diamond David Lee Roth in the house &&@@
  5. DiamondDave

    Who is the hottest woman according to you?

    Celebrities are a bit overrated. You can find a hot lady probably at a grocery store checkout line. There are way too many ordinary and celebrity women competing to be the most hot. Why should celebrity women be idolized as though they aren't human? Why not do the same to the ordinary?