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Sofia definitely. I like her personality and think she has looks to die for. She is certainly doing well considering her age and might pass for years younger.
Lol, the name Jennifer seems to be set aside for the beauties of the world! It is a tough decision this one, but I will go for Lopez in this case. Nothing against Aniston either just that it is Lopez who stokes my interest more.
A-a. Not my kind of women, these two. But if I had to choose between them then it would be Blac Chyna as she seems to be a wee more feminine to me. But neither of them is my kind anyway.
Not an easy choice this one, but I will go by Scarlett. That distant look in her eye makes her alluring and sexy to say the least. She is definitely my choice between the two.
She is 50 years old? Well she still has it and could pass for a 30 year old. I wonder what it takes for someone to look like that after all those years. I think she is really beautiful for her age. Great body too!
The girl is stunning! She looks like the kind of girl who has secrets too! Even better is the look of innocence she has around her. I would say this girl has succeeded in making something of herself!
She does look amazing whichever way one looks at her. She seems aware of the fact too as she is very confident of herself in all three pictures. Very beautiful girl.
I will go with Steve Harvey too. I like the constant look of silent surprise he has most of the time on the show. It makes him appear funny and appealing at the same time.
This latest picture of him makes it even easier to like him! The faraway look in his eyes kind of pulls one in. It is easy to get imaginative if a guy gives you a look like that. Really cool.
She does look amazing! There is an air of mystery around that girl that makes her stand out in a great manner. She is definitely headed for great times in her acting. I am a great fan of her movies.
I agree with @juno about the change of roles for Lucy Hale. I am still stuck at her playing teenager as this is what she has done for quite a while. The transformation to something more mature is taking a while to absorb.