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Gwen Stefani hands down. She has this really fir physique and the confidence that comes along with it. Also mentioned above, I find her tattoos weird and unflattering.
Sophie Turner is definitely more beautiful. You just can't go wrong with her eyes. Jennifer Lawrence on the other hand is the hotter one. Jennifer has this refreshing aura and a great personality that just makes her stand out from the crowd.
She really did age really well. I feel like she just really enjoys what she does giving this refreshing image. I can't imagine that she is 47 years old.
I'm going against the popular opinion here and say that I don't find her attractive. She has an okay body and average looks. I feel like she tries hard to look beautiful and be noticed but somehow it just does not work for me.
I had a huge crush on her when I was young. She has a very unforgettable face along with her hot physique. I can't believe that she is 35 and still looks just as hot. I can't imagine the hard work needed to be fit for more than a decade.
Very beautiful women and obviously athletic and talented. It takes years of dedication and hard work to do what they do and that adds a lot to their hotness.
I'm pretty sure most watch Game of thrones. You don't watch just because it's mainstream, you watch for the characters you hate and/or rooting for. The unpredrictability (if you dont read the books) is pretty much expected and of course, the ladies.