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Darya Klishina vs Ivana Španović


Well this is one where it is so close that I just have to resort to my natural bias to go with the brunette over the blonde, and so I will give the slight edge to Ivana here. I have to say that I really like the name too, especially the last name, so maybe that is factoring into my decision somewhere on a more subconscious level. Either way, these are two very attractive women, and so thank you for sharing.


There is no competition here, Ivana all the way. JUST DAMN. That girl is fine as hell. I couldn't even see her face all the way, but when I scrolled down and saw her body, I fell in love. I love a toned physique, and the other chick was too skinny for me. I liked her body as well, but her face looked kind of evil.

Ivana looks healthy, and approachable. I enjoy looking at her body, nice abs, great ass, long hair, she can have my number.


Even though they are both to athletes they are very different from one another. For me at least I would consider it a tie. They are both dead gorgeous.