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Lisa D'Amato vs Tara Reid


There is no competition here Tara Reid wins with a landslide victory. They are in no way in the same league.


Active Member
This is really no competition. Tara wins hands down. She is so hot and so beautiful. Lisa does not even come close to Tara to even compete against her.


Well, I would definitely consider this as a tie since I like both, however, if I really had to pick one and only one then I would go for Tara, I personally love her stare on that picture, thumbs up for her.


Well ever since the days of American Pie I have always had a little thing for Tara Reid. This is a close one, and again we have two beautiful women here, but I think that just given the above I would have to side with Tara on this one. I know she hit a little rough patch in her life there for a little bit, but even in those days she was looking pretty good. Thanks for sharing.


I was never impressed by Lisa oops no hate here. I just do not adore her. She will never ever get my vote for a personal reason. Maybe Tara will should that little torso of her appeared to be a bit narrower. All I see is a wide belly maybe because of the camera angle. No one gets a vote for me I am so sorry to tell