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HotnessRater.com is broken again, this time it something different.


New Member
What happen, all the pictures and girl ratings have gone bananas. A few days ago, pictures with many down votes started popping up that had 10.00 ratings. Then last night hundreds if not thousands of pictures began dropping down to ridiculously low ratings. And the top 100 pages are way out of whack. Today many pictures have round number ratings, 9.00 and more 10.00 ratings. Like every picture in a girls folder has the same rating or has large amounts of the same. Since the vote totals are still there, it seems the rating algorithms are out of whack.



Sent a response via email to the webmaster email, got no response. Also I reported manually on many different pictures, some of those got fixed, but then new ones would appear. Something is seriously wrong, broke down and created an account to post here; to see if anybody has an idea what is going on.


Staff member
The accuracy of ratings is partially dependent on the accuracy of the ratings of pictures that they have been up against, so if it gets out of wack, it can mess up the whole system. This should self correct as more votes come in but I am also looking into possible changes in how we calculate the ratings.

Things are recalculating but it takes some time and is an iterative process.


New Member
OK, cool. I was not sure if the problem was getting solved.

A few questions:

1. The rating will be corrected when it either gets a new vote or the recalculation process gets to that picture?

2. More voting would be helpful? or does that tie up the server and slows down the recalculation process.

3. How long is the recalculation process expected to take?

4. What exactly are the possible changes, or is it too soon to answer that?


Staff member
1. yes it should be fixed on a recalc although if the pictures it is rated against are messed up to, the recalc might not be accurate
2. yes, more voting always helps
3. no idea really
4. it's too soon to answer that