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Sold List Mod

The sold list is pretty unusable as it currently works, stuff never goes away, and the sort order changes with number of views, so you can't memorize it to spot new sales. We need to be able to hide sold records.

1) add a ShowHiddenSalesFlag field to the player record, and a button on the Home page on babetrader to turn it on or off. ( 1 or 0, or Y/N, whatever you like)

2) add a HideSalesFlag to the sales record, the one looked at to populate the sold list. Add a button in the box where the pic appears in the sold list, to turn it on/off.

3) change the code that populates the sold list, if the ShowHiddenSalesFlag is off and the HideSalesFlag is on, don't add the sale to the list to be displayed.

4) change the sort order on the sold list to be chronological, newest sales first.