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I will call this a tie, they are both hot and I can just imagine some roll games that we could play. :D Honestly if it wasn't that cleft that Natasha has on her chin you would think that it was the same girl.
Sophie looks hotter then Jennifer. They both have this look as if they aren't completely there but I have this thing for red heads so Sophie wins this one in my books.
Good grief they have such similar names but look nothing alike. I will go with Rachael Ray with this one. Both are elegant women but Rachael Ray has the edge over Rachael Roy... I think I got that right.
Ellen looks more feminine then Kassidy does so she has my vote. I wouldn't be surprised that if they were standing side by side they would look physically similar but who ever took the picture knew how to show Ellen's feminine side better.
I wouldn't want to see either of them without make up, but I think that Pamela has the edge here. What is up with Christina's boobs, one is much higher then the other.
Wow Jennette looks like the innocent girl next door, I wouldn't say that she looks hot more like cut like a teddy bear. Miranda looks like she has something to hide or did something wrong. My vote goes for Jennette.
I don't think that there is a real competition here. Susie wins this one hands down. I think that the saving grace for Gamble is who she was married too but she is by no means a hot women.
My vote goes to Suki and by a large margin. Suki looks like the plane girl next door while Lady Gaga looks like the girl that would break down the house next door.