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His brother, James Franco, is already an established personality in the movie industry. Not one of the overshadowed by a sibling, he has starred in many comedic movies, such as Now You See Me, Unfinished Business, and Neighbours.
He loves cats, too!
She's absolutely gorgeous! She's a dyke, though, but that doesn't stop her from becoming a world-famous model and aspiring actor...that is starring in one of the rising stars in the movie industry—Paper Towns. She's also appeared in Taylor Swift's Bad Blood music video, making her a worldwide...
I mean, she's definitely not ugly—but I would like to think that she's above average. Sure, her lips and plump and red, and she has a perfect figure, but her face just isn't symmetrical. I'm a woman, so this is my opinion—she's the kind of girl you could meet at the bar and maybe date, nothing more.
Wow—she is breathtakingly gorgeous! I love the ways her eyes pop. Her smile is also extremely enchanting—and, "contagious and persuading," if you will.
Exactly! But, you have to consider this—some people are universally ugly. I'm not being mean to ugly people (I don't judge them either!), it's just that our beauty standards aren't quite defined. Our ugliness standards, however, are pretty defined—anything that defers too much from the norm is...