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I usually really love the looks Kendall pulls off, but this photo doesn't do her justice. I normally find her incredibly attractive. I just don't like this look on her. Overall, I'd pick Kendall Jenner any day. She has a killer body and is just an all around gorgeous woman. She's the only woman I've seen to pull off the lip injections.
I think I like Kendall. I love her clean polished look on this photo. I had seen some of her ad campaigns and I must say she is also doing well. The only advantage the competition has on her photo are those fierce beautiful eyes.
Aishwarya Rai is prettier than Kendall Jenner, hands down. But hotter? I'm beyond the age where I dig cougars and now I prefer younger women. Gotta go with Jenner here cos just that number, 20, is hot as hell.
I also think that both are about equal when it comes to the hotness scale. Seeing as I had to choose, I went with Aishwarya this time, but a different photo on a different day and it could have been a different choice, as it is a close one to call.