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Alexa Chung vs Ellie Goulding


Ellie Goulding is hotter then Alexa Chung. Both women are hot but Ellie has the edge. I think it's true what they say blonds do have more fun.


Well I cannot say that I am familiar with either of them, and I am guessing that the picture of Alexa is just not doing her any favors, at least for me. From what I see there, I would have to vote for Ellie. It does make me want to see a little more of Alexa though because I really do think that is not that great of a photo of her. Oh well, though, she looks better than 99% of the women I meet. Thanks for sharing.


From this picture I would have to say I prefer Alexa. Ellie is very beautiful but I'm not sure I would call her hot. She has that girl next door feel about her that is appeal though. Alexa's eye makeup is really nice here. So I'm going to say Alexa though I love Ellie as a singer.


I wasn't familiar with them either (until now) and now I'll never forget them! They are both so smoking hot that I'm hard-pressed to make a choice. If I really had to choose one then it would have to be Alexa. She has that certain 'oomph' that Ellie lacks. Don't get me wrong, Ellie is exquisite, just not in the sexy, animalistic way that oozes from Alexa.


Active Member
Neither for me. I don't find either of these women to be what you call hot. They both have very strong features but they are just not attractive. I could not choose either one even if I had to.