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Angelique Boyer


New Member
I just got to know this actress not long ago. She is French and Mexican as well. Mexican because she grew up there with her parents. Watched two movies she acted and I must say that she is good. If she stands with other world known actresses, I think she will be equal to the task.
How many of you know her?
I know her and have seen a couple of her movies; she is exceptionally talented, can be spiteful, bitchy and sweet. She is also a beauty with sharp features. I admire most of the Mexican actors and actresses because they put in a lot of effort to make successful roles. The directors and the script writers are the ones I have a problem with; most times they start a story-line well and it ends up like a school play. I really do feel for those caught up in such acting.



Why didn't you use a picture? She totally deserves to be seen and even stalked on Instagram


I don't know about here. I had to google her. This is what I found
She was born from Mexican and French parents, she is 27 and has a partner. She has done just one movie but many TV shows.




She's famous here in Mexico, she's been in plenty of advertising and telenovelas. She could do so much more if based on her fame, but I suppose she doesn't have the acting chops for much more...



Wow she looks so hot! I have never heard of her until now and she looks stunning. I prefer that she go brunette than go blonde.