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Hailey wins this one too. There are few women who could complete with her beauty.
She has a beautiful face and an awesome body. You just can't compete with that!! Stunning!
Hailey all the way, I don't get that image of Ashley, it looks sort of distorted. The photographer could have chosen a better angle because she looks really fat in it.
Hailey all the way, I don't get that image of Ashley, it looks sort of distorted. The photographer could have chosen a better angle because she looks really fat in it.
I have no issues with the body types as I can appreciate almost every one of them. I will choose Hailey Clauson because on her photo I see happy and positive vibe. When I think about sexy or hot there should always be those elements that I mentioned.
Just look at this picture of Hailey Clauson. She exudes fierceness and fire. I love it! Although Ashley Graham is very beautiful, I just think Hailey has that sexiness even with just casual clothes like this. She has that intensity in her eyes and the way she poses. That's why I choose her over Ashley in this round.