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Cheryl Fernandez-Versini vs Kimberley Walsh


I've ALWAYS had a bit of a crush on Cheryl to be honest and while Kimberly Walsh is attractive, she's nowhere near Cheryl in my opinion. Then again, not many are and even though these days she's looking a little thin, she's still stunning to look at.


Well I think Kimberly is hotter body wise but Cheryl has an amazing face in my opinion. Tough one but I'd have to give Cheryl the edge.
Cheryl Fernandez's body is top notch so I'd have to go with her. Both women look absolutely stunning, however. Definitely can't complain here.


I think Cheryl has a lovely face on her photo. That is all I can say on this battle. Maybe I need to see more photos to make me choose who is hot and who is not. Suffice it to say that I did pick Cheryl base on the face alone.