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Demi Lovato vs Selena Gomez


Well, it's kind of a rough decision, they were both raised in the same ambience we all might already know, of course, one is way more beautiful than the other, no doubt about it, this time, I will definitely pick Selena, her expressions and movements seems to be way sexier than Demi's, also her voice is way more exciting, so yes, I will go for Selena this time.


Demi Lovato for me. I do not like Selena Gomez what so ever. I hate her country accent, I don't know if she is Mexican or not. I know she is grown, but she looks like a baby in the face, she doesn't look like a woman yet to me. A woman fills out in every way you can think of. Her face looks like a baby lemon.

Demi has a nice face, I like her skin as well, and she looks more like a woman to me. These days she's starting to look on the plus size, her body is nice. But comparing it to what she used to look like, she's gained some body fat.


I don't find either eye openers except for Demi Lovato's dress. She was really trying to catch the peoples attention, which she got right. :D


Well I think that I should preface this by saying that I am not a fan of either of these women, in terms of what they do or produce music wise. That said, though, I have always had a little thing for Selena Gomez. She is very attractive, in more a cute way, and sometimes that is enough to push them over the edge in competitions like this. Interesting comparison, but Gomez wins this one for me.


Both are quite attractive females, but for me I would choose Demi over Selena. Selena looks too wholesome and babyface I agree, so even if she tries to look sexy, her face just screams PG-13 or something, lol.


Active Member
Selena is so young looking and doesn't really come across as sexy. She is very pretty but Demi is more womanly so I would have to give this one to Demi. They just aren't comparable.


I think what separates Selena apart from the competition is her eyes. I particularly love how deep-set they seem to look with that make up and camera angle. They make her look like Barbie. I guess Selena wins with her nice set of peepers.