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Farrah Abraham vs Kim Kardashian

Aw, sorry guys, but I find Kim a lot prettier than her. I am referring to Kim pre-surgery though. I really think that back then Kim has a lot of a more natural beauty as compared to now. I thought she has an exotic face and colour even. Here's an example:

See the difference? She looks so pretty before. I wonder why she has to have surgery. Sigh...


I don't know Farrah Abrahm, I only know Kim Kardashian. I looked online for these women and found Kim to be more popular that Farrah. Kim seems t be a center of attraction everywhere. Based on their external features, I think Kim is better than Farrah.
They are both good looking pre-surgery but I would vote for Farrah in this round of comparison. They are both annoying and fame hungry; it's all about public image and surgeries. If only they could be naturally normal for once, people will see their real talents and appreciate them.