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Favorite Childhood Activity


What do you miss doing as a child? I remember that when I was younger, we used to climb trees. I grew up in a rural area. When I was in my late preteen years, we moved to the city. I found out that climbing trees is illegal there.
What about you? Is there anything that you used to enjoy as a child that you can't or don't do anymore?


New Member
As I am now I have been active when I was a child. Even hyper active so outdoor activities were the best solution for me. Football is my favourite even now. I remember I used to play for hours and because I was in a block of buildings I had a great opportunity to play all day long. When I was not outside I also remember inventing my own games usually with paper toys. I made frogs that could jump. Basic origami frogs but adjusted to be unique. I had a big 1 meter ruler and I was making competitions. Which frog will jump more. :)


My childhood friends and I used to play Barbie dolls before, and we would also play hide and seek, chinese garter, and run around the neighborhood. What I really miss about being a kid is that carefree attitude without having to worry about anything at all.


Active Member
It would definitely be hanging out with the kids in my childhood neighborhood. We were together all the time. The thing I miss the most was building camps. We were always making camps in the woods with whatever supplies we had on hand. We would go around collecting things from all our places and then get to work. They would always turn out great. We would have our camp house meetings and plan our next adventure. We even had our own band, called the "Peanut butter bums." We had a theme song and everything. It was a blast. I miss those days.


New Member
Hide and seek I will say. Time has gone and is something I miss. I can't even think of doing such thing now. Another one is the one we call 10:10. There was no girl that like like it then. I was a playful person as a kid


I wish I could play Nintendo all day like nothing else mattered. Also we used to live near the beach back then, I also miss that.


New Member
I grew up on a farm as a child, so nearly everything I did involved being outside with my animals. I couldn't stay out of the barn. I was either petting the baby calves and colts or climbing as high as I could in the barn rafters. I took long walks way back in the woods with my dogs and stayed outside from daylight til dark. I was an only child, but I was always happy and never felt alone because I always had animals.
I miss the freedom of being a child; no thoughts on rent, bills, savings; it was just a care-free world. I really miss being able to wear shorts and climb mango trees, pluck oranges and secretly eating them before dinner; playing in the rain. I miss being flat-chested and running wild and free with friends who felt the same way like I did.


New Member
My favorite thing to do as a child was ride my bike. You could always tell who was at what house in the neighborhood by how many bikes were laying in the front yard! Being carefree riding in the roads and sidewalks, not having to worry if you were going to get snatched off the street by a serial rapist! Those were the days. I can remember all the cool stuff you could buy to put on your bike, like reflectors and horns, different streamers for the handle bars. I could spend all day riding my bike and not get tired!


New Member
I miss the mock fighting we used to have when we were young. The funny thing about the mock fights were that they were usually planned just to show off that you are stronger than others.

The winner of a fight usually earned bragging rights. I even got my two incisor teeth knocked in and was stupidly proud of the gap. That was the beauty of life that I can not get now.
I really miss running around one of these old villages that my aunt used to live in. Even when the kids didn't know each other, they would play together in peace and invent stuff to do which was fun. I haven't been in the village for ages and it sucks since I have a lot of good memories from there - but I moved to another country so it's way too hard to just go there and remember all the good stuff.


I'm going to have to go with riding my bike too, lol. It's not that I can't do it, more or less I don't have time to go buy a bike and ride up and down the street. The Neighbor's I have don't really seem like the type to want you riding near there yard/side of the street, and our driveway is small.


As a kid I used to be able to collect action figures anywhere I go. I am not saying I cannot do that now! However, back then I get it as gifts or presents. Nowadays these things cost a small fortune! I would have to be rich to enable my hobby anymore. Just take a look at the recent nintendo Amiibos. Whew... things are expensive :D
My favorite childhood activity would be playing videogames. I still play them but I miss playing them the whole day. I also miss sleeping 10 hours or so. I miss riding my bike and I miss going to school, yeah I know that sounds weird but I do miss it sometimes, my teachers and my friends that I had in high school.
I miss running around my small town with friends. My friends and I were honestly the worst children and would cause a lot of trouble in town, getting cops called on us for the actions that we did. Unfortunately, I cannot do that any longer, because as an adult I'll actually be held responsible for what I do...
I loved to play with Barbies, ride a bike, swim. I could be on the beach for hours and my shoulders would be sunburnt every single summer.