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Gamble Breaux vs Susie McLean


I have go with Susie on this one. I traditionally prefer brunettes to blondes anyways, so that really sealed the deal here, but even without that I think that she has a cleaner look to her. Gamble seemed a little faker, and that name is weird too. Susie all the way here.


Oh my God... what a strange name - Gamble? Is it a joke?:) My vote goes to Susie. Really hot brunett


I don't think that there is a real competition here. Susie wins this one hands down. I think that the saving grace for Gamble is who she was married too but she is by no means a hot women.


Active Member
Susie takes this battle very easily. Gamble doesn't even come close to her. I don't find Gamble to be attractive at all.