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Georgia Kousoulou vs Chloe Lewis


Well I have to admit that I wasn't even sure who these two girls were until I saw the word TOWIE mentioned and I looked them up, as I can't say I've ever watched an episode.

I voted for Chloe in this one though, as I think she's the one that's naturally nicer looking. The fact I've never seen the show night make me more of a neutral as I don't know what their personalities are like so can judge them on looks alone.


They really do look very similar. If someone had to say that they were sisters I would believe them. For me they are a tie they both look hot but not in a barbie doll kind of way.


I really thought these two were related at first glance. Though both are beautiful, Chloe looks the more natural beauty. I chose her as the hotter one since her smile was infectious. She also has great legs.