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Hailey Baldwin vs Kendall Jenner


Staff member

They probably wouldn't be famous if it weren't for their parents, but the genetically blessed duo appear to be great friends, despite both hanging out with the Biebster from time to time.

We are talking aspiring model Hailey Baldwin and runway queen Kendall Jenner. Hailey is the daughter of american actor Stephen Baldwin and Kendall of course is the offspring of Olympian great Bruce Jenner (aka Caitlin).

Which Hollywood offspring do you think is hotter, Hailey or Kendall?

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Kendall Jenner all the way. She is just a natural beauty, in my opinion, and she is much more beautiful then Hailey.


I don't think there's any competition at all. All have chosen Kendall as a better choice between the two and I agree with them, as well. Kendall has the face of an angel and the body of a model. In my opinion, she is the most beautiful among the Kardashian and Jenner sisters.


Kendall of course takes the cake! She looks more natural of the two and there's something soft in her eyes that makes her more appealing.


I would have to go for Kendall. I had seen a few of her campaigns and I must say she look great and I could not even tell it was Kendall. Maybe the make up and the clothes made her into a different person but she looks great.


I am totally in love with Kendall Jenner. I believe she has one of the prettiest faces in Hollywood. She's absolutely stunning. However, I am not such a big fan of her way "too thin" figure.


I agree with everyone else, Kendall is far prettier than Hailey. I think Hailey's face is too much like her dad's. LOL It looks ok on him, not so great on her. Personally, I can't stand any of the no-talent drama associated with the Jenner-Kardashian clan. However as far as looks are concerned, they are certainly blessed.


New Member
To be honest, I find hailey pretty but don't think she'd cut it as a model if it weren't for her famous father. However Kendall, is drop dead gorgeous. So my vote goes to Kendall.