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I always get attracted to long nice strong legs. I think she has them. She knows how to work them well looking at these photos. I am not a fan or two women dancing and almost kissing though there is nothing wrong with it I just do not find it interesting.
I really don't see what the big deal is with Iggy Azalea at all to be honest. I'm not a fan if her music for one thing, but when it comes to her looks I don't think she's anything special at all either.
There are much more prettier girls around, that's for certain and I just don't get what all the fuss is about with her.
I'm not liking her either. She not that hot. I think she's clean looking, and no visible scars, but I would never put her up on a pedestal for everyone to see. She's in the music business and I can see how they are focusing on her butt more then anything. Now, she is Australian and has a accent, shouldn't that transfer to her rapping with a Australian accent? I wondered about that while researching more about her.
Iggy Azalea may not be your typical idea of a hot woman, but I find her really attractive. I am not basing this solely on her physical appearance, I believe she's got a great personality as well that makes her really appealing.
Iggy Azalea would be a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. She is just you're average female with some talent on the side. She has an oddly shaped face as well. I'm not a hater though I would take her on a date haha.
I think a 5 on a scale of 1-10 is pretty generous to be honest, maybe a 3 or a 4 would be about right.
And even though I've not sad any good thing about her on two posts now on this thread, I'd also take her on a date though, shallow do I sound!
I just think this girl is a puke! I don't want to offend any of her fans on here, but I don't find her pretty at all. She has a face that looks great on a rat, not so much on a human. Her singing is mediocre at best, and her behavior is rather vile. YUK!
I don't find Iggy Azalea all that attractive. I don't find her ugly, but I can't look past the fact that she has very manly features. I think that her personality adds a lot of the attractiveness I see in her as well.
I enjoy her from time to time as a music artist, but she just doesn't do anything for me.
For me she is no more then average. There are so many woman that are so much more beautiful then she is. I am not a fan as you can tell but for those who are, that's great. Everybody has different tastes that is what makes this forum so interesting.
When I first saw Iggy, I thought that she looked quite plain and average. Now when I saw her on the music video "Black Widow" with Rita Ora, she looked pretty in there, thanks to the make-up. So for me I think she can pass as a hot girl, eventhough I have read that she has an attitude.
I don't think Iggy Azalea is that pretty either. She's not ugly by any means, but nothing about her face jumps out and screams beauty to me. But even so, she evidently knows how to put on a good show because she seems very popular.
I don't see the appeal of Iggy Azalea. I used to love her as a musician, but then she came to America and got a bit weird. Her music is trash nowadays. When it comes to her looks, I don't find her attractive. I've seen a few memes online where people compare her to "White Girls." I feel terrible, but it's a bit accurate.
I'm not a fan of either of the two. They are not role models, neither do they have anything to admire. Their personal lives don't speak too well so what is really there to notice about them?