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Iskra Lawrence vs Kim Kardashian


Iska Lawrence has got a very pretty face, but I think when it comes to being hot, Kim Kardashian has got the upper hand.
Iskra is definitely looking very hot with those curves. Where can you even find a woman able to pull those curves anywhere? It's such a breathe of fresh air to see someone embracing who she really is. And add to that, her face is really cute as well. She looks very youthful with minimal makeup. Whereas Kim's face looks more and more plastic-like especially this recent years. So sorry, Kim! I'd pick Iskra on this one!


Active Member
Iskra is by far the more beautiful of the two. She has a very nice body and a much prettier face.


Iska Lawrence is so hot. Wow, now that is a women, what a body. Kim Kardashian is not bad looking but in no way in the same league.
Iska looks a lot better, I agree. There's no way that Kim can keep up with that since she basically relies on pure makeup. Seriously, I haven't seen a picture where she isn't covered in makeup.


Judging from these photos alone, I think I am leaning towards Kim Kardashian. Kim does not look so voluptuous on this photo which makes me wonder why. She looks fresh and simple but gorgeous.


If I want a beautiful face, I will choose Iska Lawrencel however, if my preference is a sexy body I will go with Kim Kardashian. Therefore choose between these two are entirely based on preference.