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I would have to go with Jaime Pressly. I love her eyes, very expressive, and I also think she's prettier than Brittany. I was a huge fan of Brittany's acting skills though.
Jaime Pressly is owning it and I am choosing her over Brittany in that regard. Brittany reminded me of Twiggy though which makes me want to think that this is not a good match.
I'd choose Jaime Pressly as well especially in those two pictures. I think she looks mesmerising and hot. Brittany was a great actress and very pretty as well. I agree that she was gone too soon and it's too bad that she has to go that way. I hope she's in a better place. I think these two were friends before Brittany died.
Looks like Jaime Pressly is wining by a landslide. She has a fresher look then Brittany does. She looks like the sort of girl you could take an d look at football with and she would enjoy it instead of bicker and moan.