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Jennifer Tilly

I've had quite the long time crush on Jennifer Tilly, going all of the way back to when I first saw her and the also great Gina Gershon co-star in 1996's Bound (although that was hardly her first role). She has the same amble curves and radiant sensuality/sexuality as Christina Hendricks and Salma Hayek, paired with an adorable voice and a kick-ass personality. (I guess you could say that I have a type.) Roles like Bride of Chucky and Family Guy demonstrate that doesn't take herself too seriously and has a pretty great sense of humour too. She has moreover matured quite nicely and at 57 still looks absolutely gorgeous today! All that, and she plays a mean game of poker too!



Active Member
She carries herself well and she does have an awesome body for her age. She is very talented and she is so down to earth. She is a natural beauty.


That would be a hard poker table to be sitting at and try to stay focus. Good on her to use her assets to her advantage. Jennifer Tiley is fantastic, and smokin' hot. Excellent post, my good man!



Is she already 57 years old? Wow, she stills looks amazing. Actually, I am not that familiar with her, but I am a huge fan of her sister, Meg Tilly, who is also an actress and an author. They look so much alike.
I actually wasn't aware that the also beautiful Meg Tilly was Jennifer's biological sister until quite recently, but that certainly makes a lot of sense given their quite similar appearance and identical surname! I even almost posted a photo of Meg in my original post (to have some photo(s) from the eighties), before I realized that it was a photo of Meg and not Jennifer! :rolleyes: