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Leonardo Di Caprio

What about Leo? I think he is really hot as well.
He is a brilliant actor and when he just started he was just so super cute.
Now that he is getting older he is still very handsome-looking.
His roles in "The Great Gatsby" and "Revolution Road" really impressed me.
How about you, do you also think he is hot?


Active Member
Personality wise I don't care for him much. Have seen him in different interviews and I just care for him. He is a very talented actor and I do enjoy any role that he plays. I don't find him all that hot but I know that there are plenty of women who do.

Lisa Davis

New Member
I've loved Leo since he was on "Growing Pains" like a hundred thousand years ago. He's really not the physical type of guy that I like normally, but there's a few movies that he is in that also really sold me on him as an actor. Both "Blood Diamond" and "The Departed" are in my top ten for favorite movies of all time. He really plays very believable, captivating roles in both films. I have also seen some interviews with him and he comes off as a very intelligent individual. Intelligence to me is the most sexy trait of all!


Well dear ole Leo finally got his well deserved Oscar after all these years, he deserved it, his Revenant performance was superb. And i don't find him hot but he seems to have a very charming personality. He is good looking and a very talented actor.
Leo does not do it for me. Especially when he is spoting his scraggly beard. He is a good actor. But there is something shallow about a 40 year old man who only wants to date 20 somethings. It is a turn off for me.


Leo was such a hottie in the late 90's to mid 2000's, but now that he is around 40, he doesn't seem to be aging very well. He doesn't look as cute as he was before, seems like he needs to adopt that clean look again to improve his looks.
I think that Leo is not only attractive, but is just a brilliant actor! I loved his performances in The Great Gatsby and Django Unchained! Fun fact (in case you didn't know): during Django Unchained, Leo slams his hands down onto a table and begins to bleed. What you are witnessing isn't actually fake blood, but his own blood! Leo accidentally broke a glass plate while slamming his hands down onto the table. The plate sliced his hand and he began to bleed everywhere, but he still continued acting through the pain. Leo needed stitches afterwards, but the director decided to keep that take of the scene in the film!


I am not a big fan of Leo base on the looks department. Acting wise he is great and believable but I am not one of those fans raving about his looks. I could not connect so to speak. I would rather choose that villain guy from the Titanic movie over him.


New Member
When I first saw Leonardo in Titanic, I thought he was very cute but boyish looking. He seemed far too young for his leading lady, but maybe Kate Winslet just has that older look about her? I thought he was a brilliant actor and have seen him in a number of movies since then. I prefer his looks as he is getting older, he is looking more distinguished now.
I don't like Leo that much, just a little. I used to like the way he looked when he was younger. He was a real hottie, but now that he's older he lost that appeal that he had when he was in his 20s, back in the day I remember that I watched him for the fist time on Titanic and thought he was really cute. I do think he is a good actor though, so although he may not look as hot as before he can still act.


Leonardo Dicaprio is one person who went from super-cute, to handsome and now he's debonair. The older he gets the more good looking he becomes. He is certainly one of the lucky ones in Hollywood. That doesn't happen for everyone (CIP Macaulay Culkin...) and I think he should thank his lucky stars. I just can't wait to see how he looks when he turns sixty!


Back in the early 2000s, he had a babyface but almost every teenage girl was dying for him, for real. However, he's in his 40s now and I'd say he's completely changed. He's more masculine now and that's cool.


Back in the early 2000s, he had a babyface but almost every teenage girl was dying for him, for real. However, he's in his 40s now and I'd say he's completely changed. He's more masculine now and that's cool.
Now all the 30 to 40 year olds and over are dying for him. (probably a few teenagers as well...) He just keeps getting better and better with age. I still have a poster of him in my old school trunk when he must have been about 18 years old. He was super cute, and it's amazing just how much more handsome he's grown. Who'd have thought that was even possible?