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Paris Hilton vs Kim Kardashian


I am neither a fan of Paris Hilton nor Kim Kardashian. But since I find curvy women way better than stick figure Barbie dolls, I would then vote for Kim. I think she is also very pretty, and she would look even more attractive if she would just dress up appropriately.


I'm also not a fan of either to be honest and I couldn't think of two people I'd want to meet the less, but I'd have to vote for Kim Kardashian.

Paris Hilton is far to skinny for me aswell and while Kim isn't exactly beautiful, she's got more going for her in the body and looks department than what Paris Hilton as.


Active Member
I don't like either one of them. Since this is a poll and I have to choose one of them. I guess I would also have to choose Kim. Only because I can't tolerate Paris on any level.


I think because we know so much about them, lifestyle and personality wise, it's difficult to judge them purely on looks and we're going to have a certain bias because of that.


If I compare them both when they were at their hottest, I'd have to go with Kim Kardashian. Yes, Paris is gorgeous but Kim just takes the win for me.


I can`t really stand either of them, personality wise, but one cannot argue that they are both beautiful. I`ll go with Paris Hilton on this one :D