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Rita Ora vs Taylor Swift


New Member
I'm guessing that this comparison's being made because both Rita Ora and Taylor Swift have dated DJ Calvin Harris. I don't even think there's a real competition here, though. Rita Ora is definitely more beautiful and sexier than Taylor Swift. I think that people make Taylor Swift out to be more attractive than she actually is. I know I will be getting hate for this, but there are way prettier girls than her, including Rita Ora.
I agree with @ACSAPA I personally do not find Taylor Swift hot and in no way should she be compared to Rita Ora. Rita is hot and sexy while Taylor is beautiful and good looking and a role model to teenage girls.


Looking at these photos I must say Taylor Swift got my vote. I love how she was shown to be in a good stance while holding that mic. I love the way she carried that dress. Those fit lean arms are to die for


No comparison to be had for me either, and it's Rita that gets my vote. I'm not saying that Taylor Swift is plain looking usually, but at the side of Rita she doesn't look anything special.

Think Calvin as had a bit of a downgrade in my opinion...


Taylor Swift all the way. It's not say that Rita doesn't have her attributes but boy is Taylor hot, how could she go wrong with those classic looks.