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Selena Gomez vs Vanessa Hudgens


Wow they look like twins, at least in this picture they do. Selena does have a better body but Vanessa is not the sort of women that you squint at. I would call it a tie.
This is tough, I love them both! But if I had to choose:

Since her High School Musical days, I was in awe of her beauty. She has this exotic look on her, with her tanned skin and cleft chin. She then grew up and became the woman she is today. Of course, Selena is pretty as well but I just don't see her as "hot." She is like an innocent young girl, always all smiles. Vanessa has this charm and sexiness into her especially with her fashion style.


I love both of them as they represent two different beauties. I should be going for Vanessa. I like her sweet and innocent face oh well that is how it appeals to me.