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Some feedback, suggestions and perhaps a new feature

El Duderino

I love playing Rate Game. It’s a good mindless distraction from all sorts of things, especially when you’re down with an ankle sprain. Some feedback, suggestions and perhaps a new feature from my idle time--

Hotness Rater
- Seems like there is a good influx of new pics and frequent lead changes on the big board.
- Fresh unrated pics pop up very regularly.
- Meanwhile, I checked up on some old uploads of mine- this poor girl has been waiting over 7 years for her 11th vote https://hotnessrater.com/picture/1321848/emily-trosclair
while this image has 19,798 https://hotnessrater.com/picture/22809/analu-campos
- I’m really tired of Simone Villas Boas’s 6,168 catalog images.
- Have you ever thought about a daily cap on uploads per user?
- I have never understood how a pic can win AND lose against another, with the zillions of images on here?
- Unrated pics battle unrated pics pretty frequently. Just an observation.

Babes Rater
- There are 125-150 tired old pics that pop-up for rating WAAAAY too often-- over and over and over on a short loop. We all know which ones they are.
- A new pic’s final rating is pretty much determined 24 hours after acquiring a rating.
- The same handful of pics, with the same rating, have been at the top of the leader board forever.
- Have you ever considered tweaking the algorithm to account for the pics that have been around from the beginning of Babes Rater with very little competition in the early days? Variety is nice. Stale sucks. Try running that same image of Janine Habeck through the grinder today and I bet the result will be very different.
- Given, adult models work under all kinds of aliases, but labeling has gotten pretty loose. I’ve voted for Adrienn Levi over her exact same Anonymous image countless times. And Connie Carter over Connie. What about adding the “report” button, like Hotness Rater, to clean some things up? I would use it.
- Sex acts are always in the left column. Just an observation.
- The five “Hottest New Uploads” thing is a great feature. Do 10 perhaps?
- You don’t see too many pics that say “unrated.” Why not open up the floodgate a little more and approve more fresh images from the hopper?

Randomness is the thing that I appreciate most in “pick one” sites. And deep cuts - to use an old rock album term - not just a girl’s top image haunting me again and again in this case.

But I could be wrong.
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Staff member
Great points, right now all my time is spent with dealing with copyright issues. It'd love to spend some more time on this but there are other priorities right now to keep the site online from legal issues. Hopefully someday...


Staff member
Have you ever thought about a daily cap on uploads per user?

There actually are caps on how many pictures can be in the queue per uploader.

Meanwhile, I checked up on some old uploads of mine- this poor girl has been waiting over 7 years for her 11th vote https://hotnessrater.com/picture/1321848/emily-trosclair

That is probably because of the cap on how many pictures can be in the queue per uploader.

There are a number of things I consider when selecting pictures into the queue. High ratings get preference. Pictures that just won get put back in an attempt to challenge them and drive up the overall quality. Pictures that haven't been voted on in a long time get re-added (but there are lots of them). Top 10 and top 100 are added. There are probably a dozen different queries that get called looking for pictures that make different criteria to get put in the queue. This is pretty complicated stuff really. I have spent a lot of time over the years adjusting those queries and it obviously could still use some work. By the way, hotnessrater and babesrater use the same queries and the same criteria.... so if there are differences it is because of the data and not my selection criteria... which makes the whole thing that much trickier to adjust.

- The five “Hottest New Uploads” thing is a great feature. Do 10 perhaps?

That is probably something pretty simple that I could squeeze in.

The top pictures were getting recycled back in when they win... The Janine Habeck pic has almost 70k votes now. It would take a lot for her to move. If people she won or lost against move though, that also has an influence in her score. I keep pumping her back into the queue and she keeps out performing everyone else, so what can I say?

El Duderino

I've toyed with all sorts of combinations of filter settings. I usually leave them on "Only show pictures with a rating between 8 and 10" with the "Allow unrated pictures" box checked. If you lower Babes Rater below 8, you start seeing things you can't unsee. And I understand the tweaking really is "pretty complicated stuff."

Somehow, my experiment request came to fruition:
#8 Janine Habecks - 9.83/10 - based on 78 votes - https://babesrater.com/picture/6298901/janine-habecks
#1 Janine Habeck - 9.91/10 - based on 69,820 votes - https://babesrater.com/picture/2797259/janine-habeck

Exact same photo.

El Duderino

Sounds like a positive start.

Roughly 24 hours later:
#22 Janine Habecks - 9.76/10 - based on 194 votes
#1 Janine Habeck - 9.91/10 - based on 67,056 votes

The bold number is the one that jumps out at me. 2,764 votes were nullified and the rating number was unchanged. That #1 photo just began the game in a different era. It's pretty much bulletproof at this point.

All the while, Experiment Janine's rating dropped to 9.76. Which seems about right for a good, but not exactly awe-inspiring, photo of the 2005 PMOY. Considering her next best photo comes in at a 9.80 based on 4,786 votes. Food for thought.

To keep things interesting, it feels like there has to be a way to somehow bridge yesterday with today. Not necessarily handicap the much older photos into non-existence, but level the playing field for some variety. And throttle back the frequency of the "not you again" high ranked pics from popping up for rating ad nauseam. Entertainment value is suffering.

The "Allow picture that show sex acts" checkbox paired with the "Allow pictures with multiple people in them (who are we voting on?!)" checkbox throws a whole other wrinkle into the mess, but my head is starting to hurt and it's too early for beer.


Staff member
I don't think the process ever eliminated out all the votes it needed to. Also when it says it was based on x number of votes, we don't use all those votes in the calculation. We only use the votes against other people that are scoring within her range. So if she had lots of votes against old pictures and those pictures scores dropped, they would no longer be used in her calculation.


Staff member
So there was a bug in my code that pretty much deleted a bunch of votes I didn't want deleted... so the whole thing is a mess for a while in babesrater until we get more votes. Janine Habeck 1 looks like she was reduced to 1 vote

El Duderino

Something I've noticed with Hotness Rater- there seems to be a log jam of images at 9.70 that are constantly pitted against each other with very little influx of new pics there. The same two images go at it over and over and over. Obviously they're all 1/1000 of a point apart.