• To log on and post you will need to create an account in the forums even if you already registered on the main Hotness Rater site. These registrations are separate.

What new features would you like to see on HotnessRater?


Staff member
What new features would you like to see on HotnessRater? Let me know. I will see what I can do to develop it


Staff member
Yeah we will get that feature in.... in the meantime, feel free to report those images here in the forums


New Member
A history feed should show up on our profile, telling us what we liked and didn't.

Also, there should be an option to skip a matchup if you don't like either, instead of having to click on and off to reset the matchup.

We should also be able to make custom matchups (say, Emily Rose vs. Jennifer Morrison). Some random matchups aren't very good and are very one-sided. This could help make the site more enjoyable.



Staff member
So with a history feed, you'd just like to see the previous match-ups that you voted for and who you voted for?


Staff member
With a custom match up, how would you set that up? Would you be picking pictures to compare against or just the people?

Match-ups aren't completely random. If they are one-sided, it is likely because the picture doesn't have a lot of votes yet so the system is trying to figure out where they should be.


New Member
So with a history feed, you'd just like to see the previous match-ups that you voted for and who you voted for?
Yes to how the history feed should work.

The custom matches should be set so we enter a pictures and who the people are voting for.

I didn't know how matches were set up so I assumed that they were usually random.

Thanks for the reply.


New Member
* Eliminate the Male Pictures (or make an independent site for them)
* No Celebrity - No Top 100 : If she is not a celebrity can't be in the Top 100
* No Birthday - No Celebrity : If she has not a birthday date can't be considered as a celebrity
* Make the ratings more dynamics : It will only take the last 1000 votes to determinate the rating. This will fix the Bar Refaeli's problem


Staff member
* Eliminate the Male Pictures (or make an independent site for them)
* No Celebrity - No Top 100 : If she is not a celebrity can't be in the Top 100
* No Birthday - No Celebrity : If she has not a birthday date can't be considered as a celebrity
* Make the ratings more dynamics : It will only take the last 1000 votes to determinate the rating. This will fix the Bar Refaeli's problem
Why should only celebrities be allowed to be in the top 100?

CelebrityRater has a more strict definition of celebrity.... http://celebrityrater.com/Hottest/Girls

* No Birthday - No Celebrity : If she has not a birthday date can't be considered as a celebrity
I'm not sure what you mean by this... have there been non-celebrities showing up in the birthday list?

* Make the ratings more dynamics : It will only take the last 1000 votes to determinate the rating. This will fix the Bar Refaeli's problem
Then you are saying that the previous ratings don't matter. Is there a Bar Refaeli problem?


Staff member
Not bothering me at all. Things are open to discussion... I would just like to talk them out before I spend time changing stuff.

I appreciate the feedback

About the male pictures, there are people that like them too but how about an account setting so you can turn them off?


Staff member
Yeah we can do that. There is a bunch of functionality that exists on hotnessrater that I would like to see on babesrater someday


Staff member
That "Shrink large images to fit browser" doesn't change the link to the image at all... it just resizes it in the browser.

Currently if you go to galleries on hotnessrater there is a Show Share Codes button under the picture. http://hotnessrater.com/gallery/9982/selena-gomez-spring-breakers

From there you get code that you can paste that looks like this:

[URL='http://hotnessrater.com/gallery/9982/selena-gomez-spring-breakers']Selena Gomez - Spring Breakers  [/URL]

[url='http://hotnessrater.com/full-sized-picture/666470/selena-gomez'][img]http://img3.hotnessrater.com/get-picture/666470/selena-gomez/200/300/selena-gomez[/img][/url] [url='http://hotnessrater.com/full-sized-picture/666473/selena-gomez'][img]http://img2.hotnessrater.com/get-picture/666473/selena-gomez/200/300/selena-gomez[/img][/url]
which displays as:

Selena Gomez - Spring Breakers

Ultimately, I would like to do that kind of thing on single images on hotnessrater and babesrater

If you are just copying the image url, here's something that might help too. Look at the url of the image and it will have 4000/6000 in it.


That is the maximum allows width/height of the image. If you want a smaller one, that can be changed to whatever your max size is



Staff member
but regardless of how you present the Babes Rater photo to a posting site it has only one file to find
Well this isn't really true. The URL will create a different sized file depending on the parameters in the URL... We aren't using a browser trick to resize the image. We are resizing it on the server and only sending an image that is really that size.

so I guess the secret is finding what their maximum image size is.

Is it based on file size or height/width (which will also affect the file size)?


Staff member
The website's maximum size is 3200x3200 for pics. There's no problem with any large images from Hotness Rater because you can enter the "http://hotnessrater.com/picture-details/1259543/carisha" link.

The problem arises from Babes Trader because that site has only the "http://babesrater.com/babe-picture/1260817/anna-tatu" link to connect to.
Are you putting that link up or the link to the image that is on that page? (http://img2.hotnessrater.com/get-picture/1260817/anna-tatu/4000/6000/anna-tatu)


Staff member
I'm with jypt98 on a sort/search feature for Babes Trader. When you acquire 1,000 pics, it becomes pretty unmanageable. At 4,000 the whole thing is totally ridiculous- it takes half a day to scroll to the bottom of the page. Maybe have the images appear in numbered-page batches like "My Pics" instead of an infinite scroll?
Yeah making Babes Trader more manageable is the next thing on the list.