Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana ''Captain America - The First Avenger'' Los Angeles Premiere July 19-2011

Zoe Saldana  ''Captain America - The First Avenger'' Los Angeles Premiere July 19-2011

Zoe Saldana's Rating: Unratedinfo

Based on 4 votes from Hotness Rater voters

Won Against

  • No Wins Yet...

    Pictures start out against 8.0+ pictures and the competition gets easier if it doesn't win.

Lost Against

  • Carla Ossa in lingerie
  • Marisa Miller in a bikini
  • Sandra Naranjo Restrepo
  • Emma Watson - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Premiere in New York City, July 11, 2011

Zoe Saldana Galleries