Gillian Nation

Gillian Nation in a bikini

Gillian Nation's Rating: Unratedinfo

Based on 4 votes from Hotness Rater voters

Won Against

  • No Wins Yet...

    Pictures start out against 8.0+ pictures and the competition gets easier if it doesn't win.

Lost Against

  • Federica Nargi in a bikini
  • Not model behaviour
Claire Tully is Ireland's first Page 3 girl, but her degree in biochemistry and immunology challenges the stereotype
Sat Aug 02 2008 - 01:00

Claire Tully is Ireland's first Page 3 girl, but her degree in biochemistry and immunology challenges the stereotype. Ahead of her reality TV debut, she talks about topless modelling, feminism and why breast cancer charities declined her offer of help, writes Anthea McTeirnan

FOND OF A knee-jerk reaction? Claire Tully will definitely give you one. The 24-year-old from Lucan became Ireland's first Page 3 girl this year and takes part in celebrity reality show Fáilte Towers, which starts tonight on RTÉ1. She ticks all the boxes. Beautiful? Check. Blond? Check. Dumb? Now hold on a minute . . .

It is no faint praise that the Sun has chosen to package Tully as  the world's brainiest Page 3 girl  given that savvy previous incumbents - Samantha Fox, Linda Lusardi, Jordan, Keeley Hazell - have proven to have more than a modicum of i
  • Nicola Cavanis in a bikini
  • Age 25
Spa day for this slut