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Scarlett wins this one for me. I know that it's unfair but I have this think for Scarlett. Amber is still a gorgeous women though but in my case though she had already lost before she got into the competition.
They both stunning women but I think that Kate has the edge. Maria still has this baby face look but what a body. Kate is all women from the tips of her hair to the points of her feet.
I don't think that there really is a competition. Lily wins this one hands down. Rita´s looks strange, it has this artificial look about it, like a Barbie dolls hair.
Neither look like they are having fun. I still in between the two Rose does look hotter. What is up with Natalie's expression, it looks like she had one of those sour balls.
Talk about a blast from the past. In between these two pictures my vote goes to Cher. I'm sure if you had to speak to them you probably would have a better time if you spent it with Susan though.
Both dominated the fashion scene for a very long time. My vote goes to Kate even though I think it's a bit unfair to compare these two pictures seeing as Naomi was plainly dressed.
My vote goes to Ashley, Jayne Mansfield was all the rage in the 60s but I never really understood why, shes not ugly but not something out of this world.
Who ever took that photo of Anne-Marie didn't know what he was doing. She looks like she is dead. Alexandra really looks good in that picture so my vote goes to her.
Neither women are what I call drop dead gorgeous but Selena seems to hold her self up a little better so my vote goes to her. Katy looks like she didn't know what to wear to the event so she thought that the lounge curtains would do just fine. :D
Eva has this elegance about here and so she gets my vote. America is a fine looking women but I think that sh will be a stunner in a couple of years, she still has this school girl look about her.
I wouldn't even know how to start pronouncing Priyanka but she most certainly gets my vote. What a stunning women, Kelly is by no means an ugly women but by no means in the same league.
My vote goes to Beyonce on this one. Rita does look attractive in that dress but not enough to get my vote. Beyonce seems to give anything class it doesn't matter what she wears.
Wow, this is like comparing hot to hot. I call this one a draw they are both stunning women. I couldn't pick one over the other I wouldn't be doing them any justice.
Ah the good old days when Miley still looked so innocent, but my vote doesn't go to here it goes to Elsa. She is way hotter then Miley, I guess that's why Miley changed her hair style.