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J-Lo wins this one for me once again. Aniston is really nice and all, but I`ll always prefer a Latin beauty to a blonde. Just a personal preference. :P
Wow, this is definitely a tough one. But as much as I think that Penelope Cruz is really hot, I have something bordering on an obsession with Scarlett Johansson, so the choice is quite easy for me. :D
If there is a battle involving Miranda Kerr, I will always go Miranda Kerr, with a very few exceptions. And this one is no exception at all. She is way hotter then Erin Wasson in my opinion.
I`ll also go for Katie Cassidy. I love Arrow, and I also love the way she acts, but apart from that, she is also very very hot. Black Canary for the win!
Haha, that picture definitely say all that I would have said about this particular battle. Jessica Alba is way hotter then Sandra Bullock. Sandra might be a better actress, but hotness-wise, Jessica Alba will win this any day.
Gwen Stefani for sure. While Jennifer Garner is really cute, she has no chance agains Gwen. She was hot when she was in No Doubt, and now, 15+ years later, she is still as hot. That is a performance.
Wow, this one was really hard to decide. They are both extremely beautiful and sexy. But I went with Catalina, because of her incredible eyes. I think that is the edge she has over Adriana Lima.
I have to go with Gigi Hadid as well. She is way hotter then Sophie Monk and also more beautiful. I think that`s why she doesn`t really care if Monk hooks up with Cody. :D