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Oh, wow, two of the most disreputable women on the internet. This is going to be a hard one, but I`ll still go with Paris. I totally disregard Kim, and nothing is going to change that.
You can`t really see much of their "assets" :D but I still vote for Rachel Day, because I just love Lady Sylvanas, and elves in general. Also, her hair looks really nice.
I vote Selena Gomez here. While she might get a bit rounder, she will still look attractive, as long as she will not overdo it. So I have no problem with that. And also, I find her more beautiful then Vanessa.
I vote for Behati on this one. While I would have voted Megan under other circumstances, I think that in recent years, she turned from a natural beauty to a really plastic and artificial one. I also hate the way she inflated her lips nowadays. On the other hand, Behati is beautiful without...
Demi is really hot and I`m sorry to say, Iggy has no chance here. She looks like a really sexy older woman, while Iggy seems to be way to skinny for my tastes.
Do you guys have any good pictures of this goddess? I think apart from the fact that she is really talented, she could also give Natalie Portman a run for her money, when it comes to beautiful.