To log on and post you will need to create an account in the forums even if you already registered on the main Hotness Rater site. These registrations are separate.
Are you able to add any additional 'Sort By' options to the pages?
It'd be nice to be able to sort my binders full of women by the date acquired as well as date sold.
I'd also like to see an auction won/loss/results section.
Is the set price feature supposed to only be available on your first page?
When I go to My Pics and scroll down everything after "Load More" I'm not able to change prices.
Happening in both Chrome and FireFox
I get sucked into clickbait Yahoo news titles too much.
When I want regular news I hit up Google News.
Then there's always the Daily Show for a good overview for the day.
The whole point of the game is to sell and resell your photos accumulating more and more points each time.
There are plenty to choose from, no need to get attached to a single one.