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Wow, nice body, she does seem a bit full of herself but with those attributes she can. I haven't seen much work from her, it's a shame she really has everything to make it to the top.
Neither, I don't like either one of them. The are trying too hard, if they could make it up through their personality but neither one nor the other seems to have too much of that either.
This one is easy Christina Aguilera all the way. She's hot Miley doesn't look so bad but boy is she loud. I don't doubt if you went out with her you wouldn't get a little annoyed with her.
I just want to know one thing. What does she do to keep on looking as good as she does. After all she already is 58 and does look too bad, I would go as far as to say that she's still hot.
Wow, both of them are really hot but I think that Beyonce has the edge. She has a friendlier smile and looks like someone you could actually talk too, and not get a dirty look.
Those two images aren't equal the first one is a professional photo while the second one is done in a social event.
Short hair
Medium length
Long hair
It doesn't matter how she has her hair, she's hot.
Hailey all the way, I don't get that image of Ashley, it looks sort of distorted. The photographer could have chosen a better angle because she looks really fat in it.