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This almost doesn't seem fair. Sofia is in a different league to what Ariel is in. Ariel looks like the friend we had in school while Sofia looks like a super model.
I will go with Gigi, I never knew what all the fuss was about Brigitte. Sure she isn't ugly but she isn't exactly breath taking. Her sister was definitely hotter.
They really do look very similar. If someone had to say that they were sisters I would believe them. For me they are a tie they both look hot but not in a barbie doll kind of way.
Wow now that is one fine looking women. Her face is attractive but I wouldn't say that it's her most appealing feature. She has one killer body though.
Charlize Theron, I think that she is hotter. Jennifer Garner is also hot but Charlize has this sensual look about her, some what like Marylin Monroe had.
Wow they look like twins, at least in this picture they do. Selena does have a better body but Vanessa is not the sort of women that you squint at. I would call it a tie.
Nicole Kidman just has this air about her, she looks like a true lady while Jennifer Aniston just doesn't have that majestic air. I didn't like her when she was younger but sh most certainly has grown into something else.
Taylor Swift, she is way hotter then Madonna. Madonna got all that fame because she went against the grain not because she was hot. Taylor Swift has that classic blue eye blonde hair kinda look. How could you go wrong with that?
Jamie Lynn for me even though this picture isn't the best she is still hotter then Britney. Britney used to be really hot but tthe years haven't been kind to her.
Errr is it just me or is it cold in here. She is cute and it's a pity she isn't as well known. She has this sweet next door neighbor type of quality to her.
I would even go further than that, she is even hotter without the make up. Who ever puts on her make up doesn't know how to accentuate her natural beauty
She has a nice face but still too young. I think that 4 or 5 years from now she can really be hot. For those that are surprised that she is Russian, don't forget Russia is a big place and has a big diversity of people.
A very big YES. She is stunning. Why are pole vaulters so hot I normally only look ate these types of sports every four years when it's time for the Olympics. and every time that it comes round you have these really hot pol vaulters.