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Search results

  1. pwarbi

    Bill Cosby, in Deposition, Said Drugs and Fame Helped Him Seduce Women

    The trouble is, when it comes to figures like Bill Cosby, people try and make excuses for his actions because he's well loved, well, he used to be anyway, but that shouldn't make a difference. So he came from nothing and money and fame changed him. He didn't know how to handle it so used the...
  2. pwarbi

    Justin Timberlake

    There's no doubt that Justin Timberlake as always been a handsome looking guy and he's got better looking as he's got older. Your right about his music also, but even though over the years he's split people's opinions, his music as always been actually quite good.
  3. pwarbi

    Sasha Grey

    I don't think the stigma is as bad as it used to be, as the adult film industry these days is being recognized as an actual part of the movies, rather than just seen as...Well, porn. For an actor or actress to make the transition between adult films and the lead role in a Hollywood blockbuster...
  4. pwarbi

    Good breast or good backside

    While I do understand your point, these days ANY parts of the body are being modified to suit, so having a good backside isn't always down to working hard to keep in shape! I think maybe we're both looking into it to scientifically, and people just like what they like, without there being a...
  5. pwarbi

    Divorce among Celebrities

    At the end of the day, people tend to forget that celebrities are just normal people, so will have the same emotions and issues that the rest of us have. They play out their lives in their mansions with their million dollar bank accounts and their garage full of supercars, but take all that...
  6. pwarbi

    Good breast or good backside

    We all have our individual preferences, but if I had to choose between those two, I've always been more of a breast man personally. Legs are also another thing that men are attracted to, so you usually find we can be split into 3 categories, breast, ass or leg men, haha!
  7. pwarbi

    How do you rate hotness?

    When looking at how hot a person is, a lot of it is simply down to the individual, and we all have different aspects we prefer. Personally the face is important for me, as there's not much point in having a hot body if you don't find them facially attractive in my opinion.
  8. pwarbi

    Sasha Grey

    I think a lot of actresses when they first start out, will have made the more risky films to begin with, before they move on to Hollywood. I think for a porn star that's well established like Sasha Grey was it's probably harder to make the transition because she's already well known for one...
  9. pwarbi

    Keeley Hazell

    Her pictures do usually catch the attention, so I'm with you on that one, haha! And yeh, Keeley is one of the main models of the so called 'lads mags' and I'm not sure if that's were she originally started out before she became more mainstream.
  10. pwarbi

    Jennifer Aniston out for a workout

    There's not much I can say about Jennifer Aniston that I've not already said. Ever since she was in friends I've always liked her and as she's aged (haven't we all) she's still as beautiful as ever, and that's something that tends not to happen much these days with Hollywood actresses. She's...
  11. pwarbi

    Keeley Hazell

    Keeley Hazel is a bit of a legend over here in the UK, and I think.on this picture alone it's pretty easy to see why. She seems to be one of those models that always looks stunning, no matter what the picture is, or what she's wearing and that's quite a rare talent these days.
  12. pwarbi

    Karlie Kloss took first place today

    A lot might actually depend on the photographer aswell though, because maybe it's not the girl that looks fake, after having another look, but the pose looks...I don't know, just too set up. I know all poses are set up to a certain extent but some do.look more comfortable and natural than others.
  13. pwarbi

    I think we should add a new sub forum for adult actors/actresses

    That depends on what sort of pictures the site admins are intending to use when it comes to the adult actresses. While I'm sure for most there are softcore pictures to be found, there might be some thst are a little too close to the edge, that's the only reason I mentioned locking the thread.
  14. pwarbi

    Paul Walker

    Paul Walker was not only an handsome guy and a excellent actor, he was also one of the good guys of Hollywood, and there's not a lot of them around anymore. Only after he passed away have stories come out about him trying to lead a normal life the best he could, despite his fame, and he'd be...
  15. pwarbi

    Sasha Grey

    I might sound a bit harsh here, but Sasha Grey is beautiful, but her body is a little bit on the skinny side for me, but again that's just my personal preference. She certainly is, and has been one of the more popular adult film stars, so maybe my tastes are in the minority on this one.
  16. pwarbi

    Sandra Shine

    To be honest, Sandra shine isn't a girl I'm aware of, but she's definitely got a hot body, even though I wouldn't go as far as saying she's facially beautiful. There are a lot of beautiful models in this industry and its only fair they get a chance to shine (pun intended) on a site like this...
  17. pwarbi

    Ansel Elgort

    Being a heterosexual male, I'm not really qualified to say if he's hot or not, but there's no doubt he's an handsome guy, and its no wonder he's pretty popular with the ladies. Only criticism I'd have is that he looks...I don't know, manufactured, if that makes sense?
  18. pwarbi

    I think we should add a new sub forum for adult actors/actresses

    Locking the thread might be an idea actually, then at least the people that aren't offended can request access? I know we're all adults here but at the same time I don't think everyone who likes this site would want to stumble across porn, no matter how softcore it is. Leave it in the capable...
  19. pwarbi

    Tyra Banks vs Naomi Campbell.

    Tyra Banks for me was always hotter, but I think that's just mainly because Naomi Campbell was always a bit too thin. While that might be the look of a catwalk model, and I'm in no way implying she isn't good looking, I just think for a regular guy like myself, we like a bit more meat, for want...
  20. pwarbi

    I think we should add a new sub forum for adult actors/actresses

    The adult industry is going to be a tricky one to get right, when it comes to a site like this, but as others have said, it IS a major industry, with a lot of hot/beautiful people in it, so it doesn't seem fair they're not included. If it's done tastefully of course, I'd have no problem with...