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Search results

  1. pwarbi

    Jessica Alba vs Kendall Jenner

    I'm not saying that Kendall Jenner isn't pretty, but I'm a big fan of Jessica Alba, well, her looks anyway, so for me this one's a bit of a no contest really. Against another then Kendall would have had a chance, but in this one Jessica is too hot for her to compete against. Then again, like I...
  2. pwarbi

    Charles Hunnam

    We'll if it is true like you say, then your right, and he did manage to swerve that bullet, as even though I haven't seen the movie (obviously) it's not something I'd have thought would have done his reputation much good!
  3. pwarbi

    Kim Kardashian

    I think it does bring into question the argument about plastic surgery, and if a person should be passed as hot, even though it's not all natural. For me it doesn't really make a difference, I look at her and I think she's hot, others don't like the fact she's had help to look like that, and I...
  4. pwarbi

    Jen Selter leads a workout

    I'm not quite sure what to say after looking at them pictures! It's not made me want to go to the gym though, as for some reason I wasn't really noticing what she was doing as my mind wandered to something else funnily enough...
  5. pwarbi

    Minka Kelly

    I'm not sure if I'd describe her look as 'the girl next door' to be honest, as she doesn't look anything like any of my next door neighbours anyway, I can tell you that! She is stunning though, especially on this picture and @dyanmarie25 your right, her and Leighton Meester do look pretty similar.
  6. pwarbi

    Emily Ratajkowski

    Going off the photographs she certainly is stunning, and it's also nice to see a model that isn't stick thin like a lot are these days. I have to admit that even if she is one of the top models in the world already, I hadn't heard of her before I saw this thread, but it's definitely a name I'll...
  7. pwarbi

    Miley Cyrus vs Pamela Anderson

    I'd have to vote for Pamela Anderson aswell as while I'm not really a huge fan, I really don't see the attraction of Miley Cyrus at all. Miley might be the most natural but in my opinion I just don't find anything about her attractive, and that's not even taking into account her music!
  8. pwarbi

    Cheryl Fernandez-Versini vs Kimberley Walsh

    I've ALWAYS had a bit of a crush on Cheryl to be honest and while Kimberly Walsh is attractive, she's nowhere near Cheryl in my opinion. Then again, not many are and even though these days she's looking a little thin, she's still stunning to look at.
  9. pwarbi

    Kim Kardashian

    The Kardashian's certainly take a lot of stick, but while a lot of people say they bring it on themselves, I think a lot of it is just brought about by people being jealous of what they've got. If people saw a picture of her and they didn't know who she was, they'd say she is stunning based on...
  10. pwarbi

    Sean O' Pry

    To be honest, considering he's the highest paid male model in the world, I've never actually heard of him or seen him before I don't think. As a guy myself I can certainly see what the attraction is as he's a very handsome dude, that's plain to see.
  11. pwarbi

    Emilie Autumn

    Ice never heard if her before either, and in these photographs its kind of hard to tell if she's attractive or not to be honest. She's certainly got a very unique look and style about her and I doubt how attractive she is will cross her mind to be honest as it looks like she's not going to be...
  12. pwarbi

    Why Aren't they here?

    Curvy women are more appealing to a lot, if not most males I'd imagine, and the model figures might be good for hanging clothes off, they're not what the normal man in the street likes though.
  13. pwarbi

    Tina Fey vs Amy Poehler

    I think Amy is the most attractive in this one. I do usually prefer brunettes to blondes but Tina is too skinny for my tastes and Amy just as a nice look about her that I think is attractive.
  14. pwarbi

    Nicole Kidman vs Reese Witherspoon

    Reese Witherspoon gets my vote in this one, as I think she's by far more attractive than Nicole Kidman. Personally I've never really seen the attraction when it comes to Nicole, and I think while as an actress she's very good, she's always been a bit average on the looks.
  15. pwarbi

    Martha Hunt vs Chanel Iman

    They are more or less identical and I think a lot of female celebrities do tend to look alike. Hollywood tends to churn out the usual blonde haired, blue eyes girls that everyone used to love, although these days I think people are starting to prefer different looks.
  16. pwarbi

    Jennifer Lawrence vs Miley Cyrus

    Miley Cyrus seems to have gone the way a lot of female stars have and as they've got older they've tended to go for a odd look instead of making the most of what they've got. Bald and shaven headed girls have never really done anything for me personally and I think it's just a way of trying to...
  17. pwarbi

    Heidi Klum vs Dakota Johnson

    While I can see that their ages might come into the equation when picking one, their acting ability and talent shouldn't be taken into account, as its all about their hotness and I just think Dakota us the prettier looking girl.
  18. pwarbi

    Katy Perry

    I think a lot of people don't actually find Katy Perry that nice looking but nobody can argue that she has a stunning figure and body. While her music and maybe talent is to everyone's taste, on a site like this that is only concerned with looks, ages definitely going to be near the top of the...
  19. pwarbi

    Cheryl Cole vs Khloe Kardashian

    I've always been a big fan of the way Cheryl Cole looks and I think she's a lot more attractive than Khloe Kardashian. Lately Cheryl Cole as got a bit too thin in my opinion but she's still got the better looking face, even if I like girls to be a little more fuller figured.
  20. pwarbi

    Pamela Anderson vs Jenny McCarthy

    I had to vote for Pamela Anderson in this one as I just think back in the day she was better looking. She has that typical playboy look, and while that might not be to everyone's taste, I do think that she's become synonymous with that certain 'look'.