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Search results

  1. pwarbi

    Avril Lavigne

    While I've never really been a fan of her music, she's certainly always been very pretty and as she's got older that hasn't changed. You don't tend to hear that much of her now, well, we don't in the UK anyway so I have to admit I've not seen her for a while.
  2. pwarbi

    Martha Hunt vs Chanel Iman

    While both ladies are a little skinny for my liking, I think Chanel as the prettier face so I'll go with her as my pick. Having said that there's not a great deal of difference between them and in other pictures then Martha might come out on top.
  3. pwarbi

    Jennifer Lawrence vs Miley Cyrus

    I've voted for Jennifer Lawrence here as not only do I think she's more beautiful than Miley, I really don't understand the infatuation some people have with her. For me there's nothing attractive about Miley Cyrus at all and now she's getting older she's also getting a lot more...well, odd in...
  4. pwarbi

    Kristen Stewart vs Daisy Ridley

    Well this is a tough one to call but I think Daisy Ridley just about gets my vote. Kristen is certainly attractive but she's on the things side for my taste but that of course us just my personal preference.
  5. pwarbi

    Heidi Klum vs Dakota Johnson

    On this one I think I'd pick Dakota as while Heidi is attractive, I think Dakota Johnson is the one that's naturally more beautiful.
  6. pwarbi

    Carmen Electra vs Joanna Krupa

    Well, that's probably the hardest one yet to choose as both these ladies are stunning. In the end though I had to go with Carmen Electra as she's always been one of my favourites, and while Joanna Krupa is beautiful, Carmen just about as the edge on her...I think?
  7. pwarbi

    Actresses that are like wine.The older the better.

    When you talk about the older actresses my mind always goes to Sandra bullock as while I've always thought she was beautiful, as ages got older age doesn't appear to have changed to me. That might of course not be entirely natural but if she has had work done, it's not as much as a lot of others.
  8. pwarbi

    Jennifer Connelly

    Jennifer Connelly as always been a but quirky looking for me, not that its a bad thing, she's just not the typical beauty you'd imagine when you think of an hot actress. This makes her unique in a good way, but for me, I wouldn't say she's hot.
  9. pwarbi

    David Beckham

    Well I'm not a lady, or even a female, but I think David Beckham gets a lot of undeserved criticism to be honest. As a footballer I think he was vastly overrated and he's been lucky to have had the career he's had. But, like you say, he's an handsome guy, a good family man and I think they do...
  10. pwarbi

    Paris Hilton vs Rita Ora

    Where hotness is concerned, I do think that Paris Hilton is starting to age quite rapidly now, and in a normal person so to speak, it wouldn't be as noticeable as it is with her.
  11. pwarbi

    Kate Middleton

    I'm not sure she's that kind of girl anyway, but even if she wanted to be I'm not sure she'd be allowed due to who she is and what's she's going to become in a few years!
  12. pwarbi

    Sara Jean Underwood

    I think if you was asked to draw a picture of a hot girl, Sarah Underwood would probably be pretty much what you'd be drawing. There's no doubting that she's hot, maybe even a little too hot as I can't see any faults in her at all. Yes, you could say I'm a fan, does it show much?
  13. pwarbi

    Serena Williams

    While I do accept that Serena Williams as got a great figure, she IS a bit on the butch side to be honest, especially facially so that puts me off her and I wouldn't say that was particularly hot.
  14. pwarbi

    Gwen Stefani vs Miranda Lambert

    I voted for Miranda Lambert in this poll, which was quite a surprise even for me, as I do usually like Gwen Stefani but going off these pictures then Miranda looks the hotter.
  15. pwarbi

    Paris Hilton vs Rita Ora

    I also went for Rita in this one, as while I'm not a massive fan of either, I do think she's a lot nicer looking than Paris is. Paris as that awkward stick look going on for me, in other words, a bit too skinny! In that colour of dress though, it's hard not to be blinded anyway!
  16. pwarbi

    Aishwarya Rai Bachchan vs Kendall Jenner

    I also think that both are about equal when it comes to the hotness scale. Seeing as I had to choose, I went with Aishwarya this time, but a different photo on a different day and it could have been a different choice, as it is a close one to call.
  17. pwarbi

    Keeley Hazell

    I think she's more well know in Europe and especially in the UK where she's originally from. I'm not even sure if she's tried modelling outside of Europe to be honest so maybe that's why not many people will have heard of her maybe?
  18. pwarbi

    Amanda Bynes

    It's certainly sad when you see a picture of her like the one in the original post and then you see her now. You would think that these young stars would learn their lessons but I guess they don't see what's happening to them at the time.
  19. pwarbi

    Charles Hunnam

    I don't know how true the rumours are, but he did get offered the part in 50 shades of grey but turned it down for some reason. So the story goes anyway, might be worth looking in to that though.
  20. pwarbi

    Lucy Lawless

    I was never a massive fan of the show to be honest so she was probably the main reason I did when I was growing up. While she's not stunning, she's definitely attractive and I think the characters she plays suit her looks as well.