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  1. pwarbi

    Brad Pitt

    He's also a good actor aswell, and I know this forum is about looks, rather than personality or acting ability, but I think the way he comes across makes him more attractive to some also. In interviews he seems confident, funny and down to earth and I think they're qualities that most females like.
  2. pwarbi

    Gwen Stefani vs Jennifer Garner

    I've always thought that Gwen Stefani was attractive, and as she's got older she's not lost that appeal, so I'll have to say if I had to choose between these two, then Gwen Stefani would definitely get my vote.
  3. pwarbi

    Milla Jovovich

    I don't know why but Milla Jovovich as never really done it for me, and while there's no question that she's attractive, I think there's many more actresses out there that are better looking in my opinion. They do say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder though, after all.
  4. pwarbi

    Britney Spears vs Christina Aguilera

    Both are attractive, lets be honest and both in different ways. Brittany Spears is your girl next door type, where as I think Christina Aguilera us attractive in a model kind of way, so I guess whatever your into will sway you to one or the other. Christina Aguilera is the more talented, but as...
  5. pwarbi

    Friends - Jennifer Aniston & Courteney Cox

    But of a tricky one for me this as I have to admit I've always been more if a Courteney fan, especially in the friends days, but as they have both got a little older, I'm more inclined to say that Jennifer is now the better looking and I definitely think she's aged better than what Courteney as.
  6. pwarbi

    Brad Pitt

    Being a guy myself, I can't really comment on how sexy he is, but even I have to admit that he's always been a handsome guy and as he's getting older now, he's not losing his looks and is growing old gracefully I guess you can call it.
  7. pwarbi

    Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift is a tricky one for me aswell, as I have to admit I can't stand her music, and in a few interviews I've seen, she hasn't come across as the nicest or most genuine person either. Having said that though, there's definitely something about her when it comes to her looks, and while she...
  8. pwarbi

    Sandra Bullock vs Jessica Alba

    I think Sandra Bullock as always been underrated when it comes to her looks. For me I think she's always been pretty, and as she's got older she's not lost that attractiveness. I wouldn't say she's the most beautiful woman in the world, but she should definitely be in a list of the top 100.
  9. pwarbi

    Hannah Tointon vs Kara Tointon

    While both are pretty, Hannah is definitely the hottest of the two sisters in my opinion. When it comes down to careers, there no doubt which one as had the more successful career up to now though.
  10. pwarbi

    Gigi Hadid vs Martha Hunt

    Gigi for me aswell on this one. Martha is certainly very pretty, nobody can deny that, but Gigi as more of a natural look about her and I think with or without makeup she would be nice looking, and that's important for me.
  11. pwarbi

    Karlie Kloss took first place today

    She looks pretty but in a fake, model way, if that makes sense? I think a lot of females today are starting to look the same when they're manufactured into models, high cheekbones, stick thin body, that kind of thing and I think for most, it's not a look that's appealing.
  12. pwarbi

    Iggy Azalea

    I really don't see what the big deal is with Iggy Azalea at all to be honest. I'm not a fan if her music for one thing, but when it comes to her looks I don't think she's anything special at all either. There are much more prettier girls around, that's for certain and I just don't get what all...
  13. pwarbi

    Katy Perry vs Zooey Deschanel

    I'm also going to vote for Katy Perry on this one aswell. In the looks department, and this is what we're basing this on, there isn't really a question who's the better looking. Katy Perry wins hands down for me.
  14. pwarbi

    Kim Kardashian vs Paris Hilton

    This is a tricky one for me because I don't particularly like either of them if I'm being honest, not as people anyway and the way they come across in the media. If were going on hotness though, and this is what the sites all about, I'd have to say Kim wins it, only just though because Paris as...
  15. pwarbi

    Mahina Garcia

    The video worked fine for me, no problems. As for the model in question she's got a unique look about her, I guess that's a nice way to put it. Pretty but not my type. Then again I'm sure that I'm not hers either! Haha
  16. pwarbi

    Victoria Justice

    While she is pretty I have to admit that I haven't got a clue who she is! I've never heard of her before, not even the name...that doesn't stop her being nice looking of course, was just holding somebody could give me a clue to what she does...or is?
  17. pwarbi

    Bill Cosby, in Deposition, Said Drugs and Fame Helped Him Seduce Women

    As others have already said, hearing this story break you automatically assumed it must be lies and made up, he'd never do anything like that! Saddly though, it's turning out to be true so I guess the argument should turn to what makes people like this do it in the first place?
  18. pwarbi

    Nicki Minaj

    Aswell as not liking how she looks, I also can't stand her music either just to clear that side of things up aswell. Even if I was a big fan of her music though, it can't alter the fact that she isn't pretty, going off the pictures posted on here. And that's what the forums about at the end of...
  19. pwarbi

    Elizabeth Hurley

    She is at the moment, but what I meant was in the future I can see her trying to cling on to her looks and her youth, I don't think we'll see her with wrinkles and grey hair anytime soon anyway!
  20. pwarbi

    One of the Hottest Fighters In the UFC: Paige Vanzant

    I was also going to say that. While I do like girls that have athletic figures in general, Paige Vanzant is going a bit to far. Her figure is bordering on being a bit manly, but then again, if your a cage fighter that's probably a good thing. Not so good if your on a site such as this though...