Battle of the Day

Monika Clarke vs Sofia Tsakiridou

Monika Clarke in a bikini
Sofia Tsakiridou in a bikini

Monika Clarke

Sofia Tsakiridou


Another hard battle ladies and gentlemen.  Both are fashion models and both are too hot to handle.  But who among these two would you risk getting burned just to hold?

Monika Clarke is an Australian fashion model who is known for her social media presence and her appearances in print ads for Target, Diana Ferrari, Brooks, Death by Zero, Fate, Harris Scarfe, Kookai, Leluu, Lounge Apparel, Rise of Dawn, and Lounge Apparel.  Read more about her in this Monika Clarke article.

Sofia Tsakiridou is a German model who has posed for brands like SugarShape and appeared on the cover of fashion publications like Superior Digital.  This Hamburg-based hottie also runs a blog, Matiamu, where she posts about travel, style, and healthy eating.  Learn more about her in this Sofia Tsakiridou entry.