There are so many reasons to love Olivia Munn.
The most recent one, is for her excellent portrayal of the character Psylocke in the X-Men: Apocalypse flick!
Having grown up admiring the mutant character, Olivia demanded a faithful rendition of the character for her on screen performance. So, purple it is then, instead of the standard tawdry black ensemble we’ve become so accustomed to when it comes to X-Men attire.
And she went the extra mile! Not only did she make sure she was fit to perform all her stunts but she became an expert at wielding the katana and here’s some evidence as she twirls it around effortlessly!
But that’s just one interesting facet Olivia Munn possesses, if you check out her Vogue 73 Questions, you’ll see that she’s not just a pretty face! She even takes time to wow us with her fluency in the Japanese language. Well, that’s not surprising since she was raised in Tokyo before finding her way stateside!
Looking at these pictures makes it really hard to believe that Olivia Munn loves comic books more than you do! She even pointed out one of the best comics ever published as her favorite which is Y: The Last Man. Boy, Yorick would’ve been a very lucky guy if he found his way into Olivia’s arms!
She also claims that one of her most favorite comic book characters is: Rogue. Just try picturing her with a white stripe running through her curly hair while she’s wearing this… Ah who’re we kidding, she could probably pull off any character known to man and still manage to look Hot!
Hey, Buddy, did we lose you?
Let’s focus here.
Here’s another piece of evidence that Olivia Munn, loves to dress up and play the role of a geek’s fantasy.

Okay, enough gawking let’s move on.
We first got a taste of Olivia when she starred in the now defunct “Attack of the Shows”. She was so memorable there that the whole world of geeks and nerds rejoiced when they released a best of Olivia Munn segment with her naturally hosting it.
Other geeky facts you might want to know about Olivia is she loves playing Halo, treasures her X-Box and keeps a Taboo board game nearby just in case the power’s out. If given a choice between diving underwater and outer space, she’d much rather see the stars then get wet (which is pretty ironic as some of her hottest pics are of those frolicking on the beach!)
She definitely knows her stuff from Comics to games and everything in between. She’s the girlfriend every geek has dreamt about. Scorching Hot and intelligent to boot.
She’s eloquent, carries herself well and she’d rather go nude than wear fur.
and… we lost you again, didn’t we?
okay. Let’s wrap this up!
If that’s not enough hotness for y’all… Olivia Munn can even sport a moustache and you’d still fall in love with her!
Okay that might have been uncalled for… these will make up for it:
You can also see her in her infinite scroll: Olivia Munn Infinite Scroll