Have you heard of Enji Night?
Maybe some of you have (or an awful lot). Come on… We know you have checked out cosplayers on the net. And sometimes, if a Comic Con is near you, you attend one. We’re all geeks when cosplayers are involved. It’s okay to admit it.

Enji Night is a Hungarian cosplayer who was sent to earth to torture geeks like me (and non-geeks who pretends to be geeks just to look at cosplayers). For those of you who doesn’t know who she is by her name…
She’s just the one who did these…

She’s also a model who’s quite popular on Deviant Art where she has 1.6 million followers. She has posted videos on her YouTube channel as far back as 2011 but stopped after 2013 (We don’t know why).

We know you’ve come across ’em once or twice or maybe even a gazillion times.

She has been posting viral cosplay photos since 2013.

Yup, viral for her beauty and her boot…

Isn’t she just a beauty? Hot right? Just check out that waist to hip ratio.
Hungarian Sausages, just 2nd fave. Enji is now first.

Okay, let’s do some voting. Who do you think is hotter in a Supergirl costume, Melissa Benoist or Enji Night?
We also have a lot more pictures of her here: Enji Night cosplay pictures