Katrina Brodsky Is Golf’s Newest Goddess

Quick question!  Who’s your favorite golfer?!  A lot of you will probably say, Tiger Woods and a lot more will say, “f*ck golf!  Let’s talk football!”  Yeah…  To most of you, we know, golf is kinda’ boring.  But with what we’re about to show you…  all that is gonna’ change.  Heck, you would even cross out Tiger (or Cheyenne) or as your fave golfer.

Katrina Brodsky

Just look at that/her form.

This is Katrina Brodsky and she’s our newest crush.  Katrina here is a model, blogger, stylist, designer, editor, creator, and just about anything else.  This talented Californian golfer is a great example of ‘diversifying yourself online’—She is a multi-talented social media influencer who runs the site Keller Rose (an online store/blog which focuses on personal style, fashion, travel, and inspirations).

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina credits a beach lifestyle for her gorgeous body.  She is also this minimalist attitude towards beauty…  yup, she doesn’t like relying on makeup and she would rather flaunt her natural beauty.  She also applies that ‘minimalist’ philosophy into other aspects of her life (and you’re thinking about her clothing specifically her bikinis, huh?).

Katrina Brodsky

When it comes to sports, this gorgeous model takes part in something that may be a little surprising for a social influencer and model.  Katrina here is into golf and she’s becoming quite known for it.  She was featured on golfcity.com (she was ranked by the said site in their top five of hot golf girls of Instagram) and other golfing sites praising her skills on swinging on the course.

Katrina Brodsky

Aside from being an active golfer, Katrina has also committed herself to inspiring and helping others to start on their own fitness journey.  She partnered with her Pilates trainer and together they designed a program that is cheap and doesn’t require anything more than a yoga mat.  This fitness program (along with her own workout and diet secrets) of hers has attracted enough attention and has become a popular search when looking for Keller Rose.

Katrina Brodsky

Being busy with running Keller Rose and being a golfer, Katrina still managed to make a name for herself on Instagram.  Her 187k followers are loving not just her beautiful and hot pictures, but are also diggin’ her workout demos, travel adventures, beach poses, and some of her favorite fashion finds.

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

Katrina Brodsky

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