I usually borrow DVDs from a friend, not having to patience to look for copies at the local store and not really being up-to-date with watching hit movies. I intentionally borrowed Under the Skin (2013) because it had good reviews including in The New Yorker, if I recall correctly, and because it starred Scarlett Johansson. But after I saw Under the Skin, my reaction was: “Man, WHAT IS THIS??” There were just too many unwanted naked men walking around in the film. At least the movie made sense in the end, however weird or experimental it was.
Sometimes, it’s hard to believe Scarlett Johansson is just 32. You have to remember she was a teen when she played the lead role in the Sofia Coppola-directed Lost in Translation. She was 19 when she first collaborated with Woody Allen. I guess I didn’t follow the early ups-and-downs of her career, and she did have films that flopped (The Island – in 2005 – comes to mind).
She has since then starred in so many films with varying degrees of success. But, whether it’s a masterpiece or a forgettable film, one thing remains constant. Scarlett Johansson stands out. It doesn’t matter if she’s fully glammed up or wearing the barest hint of makeup, she remains a total babe!
Younger audiences will of course know her as the Black Widow in the two Avengers movies and in her guest appearances in two Captain America films. Now if their eyes are already popping out of their sockets with Scarlett in her buttoned suit, I wonder how they’d react to her without it. Probably blow their minds.
Maybe we should do an experiment. Here’s an example of just how smoldering Scarlett Johansson is in pictures for you.

In my case, I am also glad that there’s a voice worth listening to, and which complements the face and figure. I first became aware of this when Scar-Jo jammed with The Jesus and Mary Chain singing “Just like Honey.” Well, it suddenly sounded as if the song gained new meaning when she became associated with it. Scarlett Johansson also has a band called Sugar for Sugar, in which she provides the vocals. The band has done a cover of New Order’s “Bizarre Love Triangle”. Before that, she had formed a band called The Singles, but received a cease-and-desist order to use said name for a band.
Anyway we have a ton of pictures of her. Over 4000 actually and you can scroll through them all here… I bet you can’t get to the end: Scarlett Johansson pictures