Covers are supposed to sell magazines, right? So you expect the model on a swimsuit magazine cover to be one of the prettiest/sexiest models (if not the sexiest) in that year’s batch.
So when you look at the inside pages and you find that your favorite model is not the one on the cover, are you puzzled or surprised, or do you think the magazine editors are not in their right minds?
They’d be crazy in my book!
I have wondered why Hannah Ferguson has yet to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated (SI) Swimsuit Edition. I loved her photos in the 2015 edition – tanned body against different backgrounds (a diner, the desert, a wooden fence), the underside of her breasts clearly visible and a pretty face with golden locks topping a sinuous body.

I don’t have a copy of every SI Swimsuit Edition in recent years so I missed Hannah’s first appearance in 2014 – where she posed in body paint (a regular part of this annual publication). I missed the 2016 edition, too, but will probably get it as a back issue now that I’ve learned Hannah’s in it as well.
Hannah has reportedly been compared to Kate Upton but for me, the two have different kinds of appeal; it’s just that Hannah attracts me more: Maybe it’s her face. Nah… I think it’s her body. Hands down that has to be it!
The product of parents who romantically became a couple while both were in the US Marine Corps, Hannah Ferguson was born in San Angelo, Texas. Winning a model search right after graduating from high school gave her the idea that this was a career she could pursue. And it’s a good thing she did!
She moved to Dallas for more modeling opportunities but finding her fortunes there still dry after six months, she then moved to the Big Apple, and the rest is history.
While Hannah has appeared in ads for Carls, Jr. and Triumph International, she has also been the subject of magazine features in Harpers Bazaar (“More Than Just a Bikini Babe’) and GQ (“The Next Big All American Bombshell”) both in 2015. I know she’s a bombshell. I also know what some magazine editors don’t: She ought to be on that cover.
I mean why wouldn’t you put her on the cover? She has the face to attract men like me immediately. Her greenish blue eyes are captivating enough. She’s got lips you’d want against yours all day.
Like come on editors! Get with the program! This girl is totally worth plastering on every cover of every magazine existing out there today!

Hannah Ferguson has made the necessary rounds a model has to make when she’s on the rise. She’s been to the hottest parties and events showing off her looks and she’s definitely well loved by the camera lenses. Check out some of her appearances below:

Beyond just a pretty face, she’s got a totally sexy body with just the right amount of curves to fit any swimsuit out there. Heck, even fully clothed you know her body’s screaming to be released from the confines of the fabric she’s trapped inside! She just seems to make everything look good without any effort at all!
Hannah is the all American girl we all need in our lives and she needs to reach the top. So, boys, send in your letters and demand for more Hannah Ferguson! We totally deserve more of her.

For more pictures of her check out our infinite scroll: Hannah Ferguson Pictures or check out her nude page (this is where you will find the body paint pictures): Hannah Ferguson nude / body paint